I recall being taught in Sunday School as a young boy; how God confused the language of Men as they vainly attempted to build a tower up to Heaven. This created confusion thereby ending the project because the builders could no longer communicate effectively.

What I did not learn until many years later however, was that these Men were all Black; each and every one. I also used to wonder; what method of communication did these Men use before their language was confused. Let’s think about this for a moment. All the people in the world at that time were Black People. (this has been borne out by subsequent study and investigation) They could communicate one to another regardless of where in the world they came from.

Also according to the Bible, Adam, the first Man(the Original Black African) could even communicate with animals. And there were others mentioned also that had this ability.

Now, where am I going with this? Let’s consider for a moment.

The early Black race (Original Man) possessed the inate ability to communicate using some type of Universal Medium (non-verbal, perhaps even thought-to-thought) that transcended borders and even species. They could even communicate directly with God and He with them.

Communicating thusly, they were able to gather together in one place skilled builders from all corners of the known world. They planned, organized and started construction on one of the most ambitious and far-ranging projects in all the history of mankind.

So successful and well coordinated were they in their vanity, it took God Himself to stop them. Their communications link was disrupted; in time the builders drifted away and the project soon was abandoned.

Now, fast forward to modern times.

The Internet is here.

Though it is an artificially created medium of communication, it is quite effective. And it’s evolving, its getting better and better.

Black people the world over are slowly beginning to notice, cautiously beginning to wonder, perhaps even to hope…..

We have paid for our vanity, we have long been without that which was most precious to us. (Our inate ability to communicate intimately one to another) In humbleness, let us make use of this new medium, let us call again for a gathering of our builders. Let us meet and plan. Let us coordinate once again.

Let us this time with the Power of our humbleness, build for Glory! God with Us, We cannot be stopped!

James R. Bivins – Published Author – Website Creator

First Book – Stop Eating  Go Naked , Real Power For Those Of Black African Descent